Club Officers


Derek Oldenburger (K9FQO)

I earned my first call KN9FQO in 1961 while in high school as well as my technician license. A couple years later I obtained my general class license. Inspired by a neighbor who was attending Purdue University in EE I passed the FCC 1st class radiotelephone license and worked at a local radio station while attending college.

Later I became very interested in restoring WW2 radio equipment and after a number of years early solid state communication equipment.

After retirement from medical practice I passed my amateur extra class license and became also a VE. I very much enjoy working on radio equipment and repairing equipment for local amateurs.

Vice President

Shaun Carlson (KFØIBC)

I was encouraged by my father-in-law to get into Ham Radio and became licensed in February of 2021.  I quickly became interested jn learning more and upgraded to my General License in April 2021.  I've really come to love the hobby and explore various aspects of it ranging from simple DX at home to QRP POTA activations.  I'm now studying for my extra license and learning Morse code for CW operations.

I've been around telecommunications for over 20 years and live and work here in Detroit Lakes.  I've also recently retired from the North Dakota Air National Guard after 25 years in the service.  I'm not sure where the hobby will take me next but I'm excitedly along for the ride!


Eric Yancy (NØZHD)

Eric Yancy, call sign N0ZHD, earned his Technician license in 2010 and upgraded to General in 2020. With 32 years of dedicated public safety service, Eric brings a wealth of experience across several disciplines. He believes that amateur radio offers something for everyone, and is passionate about sharing the hobby with others.


J. Dwight L. Corbeil (KEØNUL)

I was first exposed to Ham Radio in the late 1960’s; through a High School classmate. His older brother, had a “radio shack” wallpapered with QSO Cards from all over the world. That image stuck with me; until June 17th, 2017 when I achieved my Tech License and in Nov. 18th, 2017 I earned the General Level.

I have an IC7300 transceiver and would like to devote more time in DXing and some local emergency networking. 

My wife, Kathleen, and I live south of Detroit Lakes on a 40 acre “hobby farm” that we invested into in 1979. We stay extremely busy learning; all the skills and hobbies we needed to develop over the years; to run and keep up our homestead.

Repeater Trustee(s)

Officers are elected at the annual meeting in October and serve for a term of one year.