Field Day 2024
Held at Lion's Park, Frazee, MN - June 22, 2024
ARRL Field Day 2024
10 Licensed Amateurs
1 Youth
2 Visitors
14 CW
32 SSB
This year was the first year using the portable, emergency operations tower owned by White Earth Emergency Services and on loan to the club through an MOU. This was a great test for us to set up and practice field operations and truly proved out the emergency operations in the future using the platform.
Portable Tower, Pre-deployment
Here we are getting ready to deploy the tower.
Portable Tower, Fully Deployed
Here is the full setup after deployment and with antennas.
Top of Tower, Deployed
Here is a closer view after deployment.
Bottom of Tower, Deployed
Here is a closer look during deployment
Taking it down
Collecing the wires for lowering the tower.
Penelope Carlson, Age 10, makes a call using the Get on the Air (GOTA) station run by her dad (KF0IBC).
Public Information Table
A public information table set up on site for visitors.
GOTA Station
Our battery operated, Get-On-The-Air (GOTA) station!